Classical Bows

During the time when classical bows developed (1750-1830), there wasn’t a standard model or design for bows. Common characteristics of all models of that time were frogs and buttons without metal, light weight and a special stick construction. Up to 1800, most classical bows were made with a hatchet head. The sticks were made from tropical wood. Ivory, bone or ebony was used for the frog and button.
Classical bows have a much greater significance than many people might think despite the short time they were produced. In some regions of Europe, musicians used them long after the arrival of the modern Tourte bow.

Classical bows sound clear and are rich in overtones; the classical repertoire can be played very easily and comfortably with them
My own classical bows are faithful copies of original bows. Their sticks are either made of a specific kind of brazilwood or of ironwood. The frogs and button are mostly constructed from mammoth ivory and sometimes ebony.

A beautiful example of the charming sound and soft, elegant articulation of a classical bow can be found via the following link:  

Watch video on YouTube


Violin classical bow model L. Tourte

Violin bow Dodd model

Violin classical bow around 1800

Violin classical bow German model around 1780

Violin classical bow Vienna model

Cello classical bow German model

Prices Classical Bows

Violin / Viola / Cello        starting at  € 2500,-